Hastings Borough Council Labour Group welcomes the election of Helena Dollimore MP

Hastings Borough Council Labour Group welcomes the election of Helena Dollimore MP, with a record-breaking majority for Labour in Hastings & Rye.

Helena’s dedicated hard work in Hastings hasn’t just brought change, but will help save lives thanks to her successful campaign against the night closure of the Ridge Fire Station. She has also been effective at getting Southern Water to the table to listen to residents’ concerns.

As Labour councillors we have all worked closely with Helena to ensure Hastings residents’ voices are heard at borough and national level.

Labour Group leader Margi O’Callaghan said: “The outright victory of Helena means the Labour Party alone gives residents joined-up representation from borough through county to national level. Together we will be fighting to get vital investment and improvements in the town and public services that will benefit the many not the few.”